Thursday, October 13, 2011

10 Years Late

Since having Madeline I have been watching "A Baby Story" pretty much every day.  There is a pampers commercial that pretty much sums it up for me.  It says whether she is 3 months early or 10 years late.  10 years late - that is Maddie Cakes.  We had tried for years to get pregnant after Wyatt and Garrett.  We had 3 miscarriages and pretty much gave up any hope of having any more children.  In fact I had just gotten to a place in my life where I was satisfied with our family and didn't really want any more kids.  God had a different plan for us - Madleine!  I think back to Christmas Day 2010 - we are opening presents when the thought crossed my mind that wait a minute shouldn't I have my period?  Well, being the neurotic person that I am as soon as we were done opening presents I headed to Walmart to buy a pregnancy test.  Walmart was closed!!!!  Thankfully CVS was open and I was able to get one (or one with 3 tests in it).  As soon as I got home I took the test and to my utter amazement it came back POSITIVE!  I was in shock!  Of course I took the other 2 tests because I was sure that it was going to be a different outcome...haha!  So Madeline is our "10 Year Late"  Baby or as I tell her pretty much every day she is our "Miracle Baby".

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Entering the Blogging World

I have decided to enter the blogging world.  Not sure about this, but am going to give it a try.  I want a place to post things about my family and what is going on in my life.  Want to remember the big things and the little things.  We will see where this goes.....